Home City Beat The Opportunity Center: Celebrates 25 Years of Helping Those in Need

The Opportunity Center: Celebrates 25 Years of Helping Those in Need



Story by Claudia Flores & photos by Opportunity Center staff

Since its opening in the winter of 1994, The Opportunity Center for the Homeless has dedicated its years to shelter and help those in need.

Back in 1994 the center worked only as a male emergency shelter, with the purpose of protecting the individuals of extreme temperatures. Today, the center serves as an emergency shelter that is opened 24 hours a day year-round, has different residencies that house families, the elderly, veterans among others, and serves more than 120,000 meals a year.

The shelter also provides the homeless with a recovery service model where it’s the homeless that care for the homeless.

“We have individuals that don’t have the capacity to take care of their daily needs. We’ll pay a stipend to another homeless individual to make sure that they do what’s necessary as we work through it,” said John Martin, deputy director at The Opportunity Center.

Martin remarked that something that sets The Opportunity Center apart from other agencies is that members at the center don’t pass judgement on people.

“Everybody is treated as equals. There is a lot of respect, this is truly a family, because what you find is that everybody looks out for one another,” Martin said. “When you look at our mission statement, we do three things: We welcome everybody regardless of mental or physical characteristics. We transition those that can apply that statement, I’m saying we move them into housing. And for those that can’t, which tend to be our elderly, we protect them, and that same premise works through each and every one of our staff.”

Today after 25 years of service, the center continues to grow its own traditions. This year the center will hold its annual Thanksgiving dinner, celebration that became a custom since its inauguration in 1994.

“We serve anywhere from 300 to 350 meals on that particular day,” Martin said. “This is one of two meals that is for all of our programs. We have nine houses and 14 different programs, so it’s basically a large communal meal.”

According to Aracely Lazcano, communications lead at The Opportunity Center, the shelter celebrates its Thanksgiving dinner the Tuesday prior to the holiday due to a major celebration at the El Paso Convention Center where close to 3000 meals are served during the event on Thanksgiving Day.

“Part of the tradition is that a lot of people go to the parade and from there they go to the Convention Center, that’s the primary reason why we do our celebration as a family the Tuesday before,” Lazcano said.

Martin said that the shelter not only holds a Thanksgiving celebration, but also a Christmas dinner that has become a special tradition for every residency that is part of The Opportunity Center.

“Christmas is very special because, usually each of the programs [residencies] have their own dinner, but for this dinner they all come to the main center and celebrate as the homeless family they are,” Lazcano said. “It’s a night you can truly see the unity and how thankful these people are of having a place to sleep in and having a home.”

Martin said the center always seeks the help of the community, not only with food for the holiday dinners, but to help provide clothing and spending time at the shelter as the holiday season approaches.

“If they want to do something they haven’t done, they [members of the community] can visit the shelter at 1208 Myrtle Ave. El Paso, Texas 79901, and provide a meal. Also reaching out to their networks, and gather winter clothes or non-perishable foods,” Lazcano said. “We have open doors to anybody that want to support us, we need help in different areas, and they are always welcome.”

To know more about The Opportunity Center and how to get involved visit homelessopportunitycenter.org or call (915) 577-0069.




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