February, at the INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF ART (1211 Montana Avenue) is a special month that begins with a thought-provoking exhibit called “LOVE IS . . .” The pieces submitted are based on subjects that evoke emotional responses from the artists, as well as the viewers. Painters are passionate about their craft and that is what makes their creations, in an assortment of mediums, unique. All artwork is for sale and image sizes range from 11” X 14” to 48” X 48”. The free opening reception will be on February 9th, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Also free to the public, the exhibit will be hanging until the end of the month. Come see what “LOVE IS . . .,” to our painters, at the INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF ART.
The PASTEL SOCIETY OF EL PASO will have its first meeting of the year on Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 1:00 PM, at the INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF ART (1211 Montana Avenue). They will host a pastel demonstration by well-known regional multi-media artist, C. Manny Guerra. Manny is very active in the El Paso art scene and is an accomplished portrait artist in our community. As a young man, he attended the Art Academy of El Paso, where he studied under Mr. Robert Hedley. A wonderful artist and teacher, Mr. Hedley had a profound influence on developing Manny’s artistic proficiency. He emphasized the importance of drawing effectively to make his student’s artwork strong. Through the use of pencils, charcoal, pastels, acrylics, oils and watercolors, Mr. Guerra has distinguished himself in a variety of mediums. As a longstanding member of the El Paso Art Association, he has participated in art shows, painted portraits at various venues, done art demonstrations and donated paintings to many charitable causes. His particular passion for portraiture and life drawing is readily apparent in the mentoring he does to help other artists develop their skills, just as it is in the artwork he creates!
The new president, at the helm of the Pastel Society, is noted portrait artist Baron Martin, who is looking forward to building the organization into a larger and even more viable entity in 2020. His leadership will be highlighted by a hands-on approach to meetings, with talented guest speakers, who will share ideas and techniques for improving pastel art creations. There are also plans to have a fall workshop, with a nationally-known artist, and a members art show in June. Details will be announced later. Barry’s promise to the membership is that meetings will be fun, informative and there will be a door prize at each one. He welcomes any and all input from the membership. For those who need to reach him, his phone number is 915.592.4026 and his email is fretsandnecks@gmail.com.
The public is welcome at all Pastel Society of El Paso meetings at the INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF ART. For questions, contact Linda Parsons at 915.549.2950 or lindachochrek@yahoo.com.
The RIO BRAVO WATERCOLORISTS are proud to have guest speaker Mark Yerrington discuss his visit to Monet’s acclaimed “The Truth of Nature” exhibit, at their next meeting at the INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF ART (1211 Montana Avenue) on Wednesday, February 19, 2020, at 10:30 AM. He viewed the exhibit at Denver, Colorado’s Museum of Art. French Impressionist Monet’s broad-based art career is exemplified by the exhibition’s 120 paintings that focus on his continual relationship with nature. In addition, he is noted for his interaction with the varied and distinctive places he worked.
Attending the Swain School of Design, Mark Yerrington graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Subsequently, he found employment at Boston advertising agencies, joined the Army and worked as an illustrator in Fort Ord, California. Retired from the military, Mark is currently a commercial artist. Recently, he completed a studio, in his garage, where he welcomes both visitors as well as students. Mark Yerrington may be contacted at mry1708@yahoo.com or at 1708 Dean Martin Drive – El Paso, Texas (79936).
Entry forms for the Rio Bravo Watercolorists exhibit, WONDERFUL WORLD OF WATERMEDIA, as well as the checks for entry fees, are due on or before the meeting date. The public is welcome at all Rio Bravo Watercolorist meetings at the INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF ART. For questions, please contact Connie Weaver at 915.490.3978.